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Nigerian Mining Journal (NMJ)

The Nigerian Mining Journal, is the technical publication of the Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed papers covering various field of Mining Engineering, Minerals Engineering, Geological and Geotechnical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. The papers provide in-depth information on research findings from various aspects of actual exploitation of minerals and related engineering practice. Researches based on local technology are particularly welcome.

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NSME Research Papers

Research and Development in the Mining Industry

The Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers (NSME) is a
Non-profit and volunteer professional organization founded in 1989, and incorporated in 1990. The objective of the Society is to advance the science and practice of engineering in the fields of geological engineering, Mining engineering, Mineral engineering and extractive metallurgy. The Society present to any Government the views of the Society on any legislative enactment or proposed legislation or any other subjects to concern or interest to the Society that enhance the development of the Nigerian mining industry in general. It ensures the maintenance of high standards and regulation of professional practices in mining and related industries and ascertain high academic and professional standards in mining and related programs in institution of higher learning in Nigeria. Research and Development is critical in the sector as mining is unambiguously a driver of industrial and economic developments. In addition, the Mining industry is a sector that is a frontier of opportunity in the Nation’s quest for diversifying the economy. To make the development of the Mining industry a top consideration in the current phase of the Nation’s economic rejuvenation, emphasis must be placed on research and development.

Information to all prospective Authors

This is an information to all prospective Authors to send in their research works for publication in the Nigerian Mining Journal (NMJ). You can submit your paper(s) to us for review through the Email below.



All papers submitted are based on original research, innovations and field experience in mineral exploration, mining, mineral processing, extractive metallurgy and equipment maintenance, relevant to the minerals industry .


The manuscript includes abstract summarizing the main aspects of the paper in not more than 200 words. The main results/findings are also being stated clearly.


There is a minimum of 5 and maximum of 7 keywords should be from every Article.