Engr. Dr. Luqman Kareem Salati

Engr. Dr. Luqman Kareem Salati holds a PhD Degree in Mining Engineering from the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Tarkwa, Ghana. He has taught at Kaduna Polytechnic for more than 17 years and had served as a former Head of the Department (HOD) of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Engineering. He is presently a Principal Lecturer, having authored over 18 journals and 28 conference papers. He is registered with the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), the Council of Nigerian Mining Engineers and Geoscientists (COMEG) and Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers (NSME), among others. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers (NSME) and currently the Financial Secretary. He is presently a visiting Senior Lecturer at University of Jos.