The President NSME

Professor Benson Shadrach Jatau was born on 25th November, 1965 to the family of Mr and Mrs. Bla Jatau in Ntebi-Ngatukpu, Akwanga Local Government of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. He had his Primary School Education at LGED Anjida where he obtained his primary School leaving certificate in 1977. He attended the Government Secondary School Mangun, Plateau State where he obtained WAEC in 1982. He attended Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna Nigeria 1982-1985 and obtained National Diploma (ND) in Mining Engineering and from 1986-1988 with Higher National Diploma in Mining Engineering with mineral processing option (HND) in 1988 as the best graduating student. He did his National Youth Service Certificate (NYSC) at Ondo State in 1989. He was later employed by Kaduna Polytechnic as a Higher Instructor and rose from a position of Higher Instructor 1991 to Chief Lecturer in 2010. He became the Head of Mineral Resources Engineering Department in the Polytechnic from 2006 to 2008 among many leadership responsibilities. He held the position of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)/Technical Officer and a research team leader in the Step-B World Bank and Federal Ministry of Education Centre of Excellence on Minerals Research and Development, Kaduna Polytechnic. He obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Technical Education (PGDTE) from Federal University Technology Minna, and Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Geological sciences, Master of Sciences (M.Sc.) and Doctoral Degree (Ph. D.) in Geological Sciences from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka with specialty in Applied Geophysics and Mining Geology. He has served as General Manager and the Managing Director Nasarawa State Minerals Development Company, Lafia respectively, a visiting Senior lecturer to Nigerian Institute of Mining and Geosciences Jos, Plateau State and Nasarawa State University Keffi (2008/2009-2011/2012). He was employed as a tenure staff that is a reader subject to external assessment with Nasarawa State University in September, 2012. He became a full Professor 2015. He was the Head of Department of Geology and Mining and the Dean Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences Nasarawa State University Keffi and Director Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources of the Nasarawa State University,Keffi. He had his sabbatical leave with the Federal University Lafia. He has graduated over 6 Ph.D, 15 M.Sc., and over 30 undergraduate students. He is involved in External Examiner-ship; External examiner to several universities for the purposes of examinations moderation, Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Professorial assessments. His main interest is in Human development, mineral exploration, mining, mining geology, hydrogeology and environmental geology, applied geophysics and minerals processing and mineral economics. He is actively involved in numerous research, and consultancy activities in applied geophysics, hydrogeology and mineral deposit assessment in various parts of Nigeria. As a scholar he has over Seventy-Seven (77) Journals, Twenty-Five (25) proceedings, 30 conferences papers and several seminars and workshop papers. Prof. B. S. Jatau is a registered Mining Engineer with Council of Mining Engineers and Geoscientists (COMEG), a Fellow of Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers (FNSME), a Fellow of Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (FNMGS), a Fellow of Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists (FNAH) an affiliate of International Association of Hydrogeologist (IAH), and Society of Exploration Geophysics (SEG). He served as the Secretary-General of Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers, 2nd Vice President and President of Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers. He is a council Member of Nigerian Mining and Geosciences. He was the immediate past Editor-in-Chief of the Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists (NAH) and the Technical Secretary of the same society. He is presently a martial with world Marital Authority (WMA) and the North-Central zone coordinator of the World Martial Authority Nigeria. Prof. B. S. Jatau is well travelled. He has travelled across the breath and length of this country. He has travelled to Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Paris-France, Germany, Qatar-Doha and Republic of Thailand. He was married to late Mrs Paulina Jatau with four Children.