Assessment of the Impact of Mining Activities on Water Quality in Kujama, Southern Kaduna - Nigeria
Bello Abubakar , Olajide Ganiyat Bukola and Lamido Sani Inuwa
Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Engineering, Kaduna Polytechnic,
Department of Chemical Engineering, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna.
Keywords: Geochemical, Hydrogeochemistry, Groundwater, Heavy metal, Pollution
A Geochemical Assessment of the impact of Rock Quarrying on Groundwater quality in Kujama area of Kaduna was carried out. Fourteen (14) water samples were collected from hand dug wells and boreholes. Physical parameters such as pH, temperature, TDS and FC were measured 0 0 in-situ. The pH ranges from 6.2 - 9.3, Temperature 28 C - 33 C, while EC is from 0.05 - 4.3 Us/m suggesting low mineralization of the groundwater. Hydrogeochemstry revealed average concentrations of Ca as 12.96, Mg 1.53, K 12.38mg/L and Na 27.4 mg/L. The relative high value of Na suggests dissolution of Sodic-rich feldspar by groundwater. Average concentration of Anions indicated CL (233.05 mg/L), Sulfate (13.18mg/L) Bicarbonate (HCO ) range 0.4 - 4.6 3 mg/L; while Nitrate is 0.448mg/L suggesting pollution free in terms of anion and human discharge. Heavy metals levels of Fe, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni were found to be potentially high. The Piper + + - 2 diagram classiied the water as Na - K - Cl - SO + type based on the major cations and anions. 4 The overall quality of the groundwater in the area is poor based on the Environment Water Quality Index (CCME WQI) used in this study