Evaluation and Analysis of Environmental Noise Level at Yassat,Quarry, Ilorin, Nigeria
*Olatunji K.J., Ogunlola O.A. and Abiola O.
Department of Minerals and Petroleum Resources Engineering, Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin
Keywords: Noise, operations, standard, safety, monitoring.
Noise pollution is a challenge in mining industry, it has potential to affect the health of the workers and the neighborhood. The Quarry site studied was Yassat Quarry, Ilorin, Kwara state. The measurement of noise levels was conducted during drilling, blasting, crushing and haulage operation. During the analysis of the result, a corrective calculation formula which accounts for observer and receptor distance was employed. This gave the noise level characteristics of the site. Comparing the noise level of the quarry during drilling. crushing, blasting and haulage operations with the standard regulation limit stated by National Environmental Standard and Regulation Agency (NESREA) (2009), the values are within the standard regulation limit. The noise level of 99.55 dB (A) to 126.6 dB (A) measured average range exceeds the value stated by the environmental regulation for continuous exposure to noise i.e., 88 dB (A) . The noise safety of the neighborhood of the quarry based on the standard for quarry location was also evaluated, and at distance stated by the regulation, it is safe. The continuous monitoring of the noise level and the use of personal protective device by the worker are recommended.