Reduction of the Ash Content of Laia/Obi by Jigging Operation
O. A. W. Oyeladun , D. G. Thomas and S. Tolu
Department of Metallurgical Engineering Technology, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaira
Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Engineering, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna
Keywords: Noise, operations, standard, safety, monitoring.
Reduction of the ash content of Laia/Obi by jigging carried out. The coal was crushed using sledge hammer and ground using ball mill to 125µm. The analysis of the coal sample was carried out using proximate, ultimate analyses and bomb calorimetry method. The proximate analysis revealed that Laia/Obi sample contain moisture content of 3.80%, volatile matter 35.5 %, ash content 16.6% and ixed carbon content 44.1%. The caloriic value of the coal sample was recorded as 26.1 MJ/Kg. The coal was subjected to coal washing to reduce the ash content towards eficient coal properties and clean coal for electricity power generation and metallurgical use. The coal sample underwent jigging operation. The proximate analysis of the concentrate was carried out and it was revealed that the ash content was reduced from 16.6% to 12.0%., thereby, the coal content improved from 44.1% to 61.9% ixed carbon. The ultimate analysis of the clean coal revealed that Laia/Obi sample contains Carbon of 7343%, Oxygen 16.43%, Hydrogen 3.80%, and Nitrogen 1.90%, and traces of Sulphur 1.656% using ultimate analysis. The theoretical calculation of caloriic value of Laia/Obi was found to be 27.5MJ/kg. The Laia/Obi was found to have caloriic value of 26.9MJ/Kg using bomb calorimetry method. This indicates that Laia/Obi coal can be upgraded to rank of bituminous (High Volatile C). It is recommended that Laia/Obi can be used in cupola furnace. Keywords: Laia/Obi, proximate analysis, jigging operation, ultimate analysis, bomb calorimetry, caloriic value.