Statistical Distribution of Major and Trace Elements in Stream Sediments Tributaries into River Oyun and River Awun, Kwara State, Northcentral Nigeria

A. J. Oyetunde and Y. S. Agunleti
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State
Edulong Digital School of Mines and Geosciences, Abuja

Keywords: Statistics, Elemental geochemical variables, Average, Background, Drainage, Tributary.


The statistical investigation of the study area gave a quick insight to the elemental distribution of elements in stream sediments from the area. The methodology used in the sampling was 2 based on sampling density of 1:28km which involved the selection of points based on the catchment size of streams. First and second order streams were selected and each sample 2 point is designed to represent a drainage catchment size in the range of 10-25km offering a reasonable spatial distribution across the study area. The data generated from ieldwork and laboratory analysis was used in statistical computations of mean, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, crustal abundance and background values for some selected elements. Anomalous values within the data set were deined using the Crustal Abundance and Calculated Background values. These values are chosen as a threshold to deine outliers from the data set. The statistics of regression coeficients show that elemental geochemical variables such as Au, As, Ce, La, Li, Pb, Th and Ag have a direct relationship in the stream sediments. The regression coeficients show that gold (Au) has a statistically signiicant at 0.265 with 0.001 ppm average value, arsenic (As) at 0.04 having average value of 0.39 ppm. Cerium (Ce) has statistical signiicance of 0.087 with average value of 115.79 ppm, Lanthanum (La) is 0.4407 with average value of 51.65 ppm. Lithium (Li) has average value of 3.15 ppm with statistical signiicance of 0.3172, lead (Pb) is 0.0836 with average value of 11.07 ppm. Thorium (Th) has statistical signiicance of 0.9529 with average value of 13.15 ppm while silver (Ag) has statistical signiicance of 0.8892 with average value of 0.02 ppm.