Evaluation of Some Quarry Dusts Treated Soils

Obaro R. I. , Iheme, K. O. , Agbalajobi S. A. , Hammed, A. , and Obaro, N. T.
Department of Minerals and Petroleum Resources Engineering Technology. Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin
Department of Geology and Mineral Sciences, University of Ilorin Nigeria

Keywords: Evaluation, quarry dust, lateritic soil


Increasing quarry dust by weight on the performance of some lateritic soils from North central Nigeria was examined for effective stabilization. Bulk residual samples of lateritic soil from a single location along Osere road, North-Central Nigeria were stabilized with varying quantity of quarry dust from 0% to 80%. The laboratory analysis such as natural moisture contents, shrinkage limits, Atterberg limits, compaction, unconined compressive strength and California bearing ratio of the treated soils with quarry dust suggest an improvement in the engineering properties of the soils. This research work also observed that quarry dust is an appropriate stabilizer with optimum amount needed as 60%.