Physico-Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Dutsen wai cassiterite ore
Oyeladun O. A. W. , Agbo A. N. and Tolu S.
Metallurgical Engineering Technology, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna
Nigeria Defense Incorporation Company, Kaduna
Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Engineering, Kaduna Polytechnic,
Keywords: Cassiterite, physico - chemical analysis, mineralogical analysis
The physico-chemical and mineralogical characterization of Dutsen wai cassiterite ore was carried out. The physical observation revealed that the ore has metallic lustre, dark bronze in colour and irregular or uneven breakages. The Dutsen wai cassiterite's hardness was found to be 631HB, speciic gravity of 4.797 and thermal conductivity was found to be 1.8897 W/mK. The result of chemical analysis of Dutsen wai cassiterite ore using XRF revealed that the ore contains 1.458%Fe, 3.007%Ca, 66.232%Sn, and 1.171%Ti with tin mineral predominant in the matrix of the ore. The mineralogical analysis of Dutsen wai cassiterite ore reveals the presence of cassiterite, phlogopite, loparite and ferrocolumbite. Having carried out the physicochemical and mineralogical characterization of Dutsen wai cassiterite ore, it was discovered that Dutsen Wai cassiterite ore is economically viable, hence, an engineering process route should be designed for the beneiciation of Dutsen Wai cassiterite ore for economic and commercial purposes.