
Economic Potential of Stream Sediments in Share Sheet 202SW, Northcentral Nigeria

Agunleti, Y. S. and Adeleke, J. O.
Department of Geology, University of Abuja, Federal Capital Territory
Department of Geology, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State

Keywords: Gold, Cerium, Lanthanum, Pathinder, Economic, Stream Sediment.


The focus on how to locate and develop metalliferous deposits in the country has taken a centre stage. Modern methods of using the peculiar lithological settings as well as geochemical analysis cannot be over emphasized. Stream sediments sample points were pre-determined on relevant topographic maps to make ways to designated locations with the aid of hand-held Geographic Positioning System (GPS) receiver and Compass. The sample points were designed 2 to represent drainage catchment size in the range of 10-30km each, with even spatial distribution across the area. The choice of the best location for sampling on the ield is upstream and far away from any obvious contamination to the natural system such as human and animal tracks; roads and spots where animals assemble in the stream to drink, dumped refuse, bank-fall or soil material in the stream etc. Gold was detected in all samples and showed relatively wide concentrations which ranges from (0.00025 - 0.09480 ppm, Arsenic, which is commonly known as one of the pathinder elements for gold occurs frequently in the samples. Arsenic was detected in all the samples analyzed and showed concentrations which range between 0.2 ppm and 1.5 ppm, Cerium is one of the REEs and was also detected in all the samples analyzed. It showed concentrations which range between 38.64 ppm and 477.74 ppm. Lanthanum is widely distributed in the study area and the values range from 16.8 ppm -145.9 ppm, Lithium was detected in all the samples analyzed and showed concentrations which range between 1.0 ppm and 12.1 ppm. The study revealed that Ce, La and Pb are enriched in the stream sediments and may justify further economic search for minerals hosting these elements.